PublicationBias2.4.0 package

Sensitivity Analysis for Publication Bias in Meta-Analyses

Performs sensitivity analysis for publication bias in meta-analyses (per Mathur & VanderWeele, 2020 [<doi:10.31219/>]). These analyses enable statements such as: "For publication bias to shift the observed point estimate to the null, 'significant' results would need to be at least 30-fold more likely to be published than negative or 'nonsignificant' results." Comparable statements can be made regarding shifting to a chosen non-null value or shifting the confidence interval. Provides a worst-case meta-analytic point estimate under maximal publication bias obtained simply by conducting a standard meta-analysis of only the negative and "nonsignificant" studies.

  • Maintainer: Peter Solymos
  • License: GPL-2
  • Last published: 2023-08-18