Running OpenBUGS from R
Convert to bugs object
Attach / detach elements of (bugs) objects to search path
Writing input for OpenBUGS
Writing input for OpenBUGS
Read data from OpenBUGS logfile
Plotting summary information - intended for internal use only
Run OpenBUGS from R
Calling OpenBUGS
Writes script for running OpenBUGS
OpenBUGS output reader
Adjusting OpenBUGS registry
Decodes OpenBUGS parameter names
Special summary statistics
Plotting a bugs object
Printing a bugs object
Running OpenBUGS from R
Read output files in CODA format
8 schools analysis
Compare OpenBUGS/R2OpenBUGS execution to results supplied with OpenBUG...
Write data for OpenBUGS
Creating a OpenBUGS model file
Using this package, it is possible to call a BUGS model, summarize inferences and convergence in a table and graph, and save the simulations in arrays for easy access in R.