Write MS-Word documents from R
Write MS-Word documents from R.
Apply a word template.
Apply a word template.
Write in body text.
Unit conversion (inches, points, cm)
Start a numbered list
Write formulas in Word
Gets a handle to Word (using RDCOMClient).
Get a property from Word.
Navigate to a bookmark in the active Word document.
Add text in Heading style.
Insert a Bookmark.
Insert a Footnote
Start a bullet list
Start a new document (when Word is running).
Type text in Normal style.
Insert a page break.
Modify page setup in Word.
Insert a paragraph break.
create an R plot and paste it into word.
Close Word and remove the handle.
Save the active document.
Start a new section of the document.
Insert a section break.
Get handle to current Selection in Word Application.
Set font in Word.
Set a property in Word.
Modify document style
Start a new Word section, add a heading and a bookmark.
Start a new Word section, add a heading and a bookmark.
Write a dataframe or an array as a Word table.
Add text in title style.
write text to word
Save the active document.
write verbatim text to word (for example model output).
Write text to word.
This package uses either the statconnDCOM server (via the rcom package) or the RDCOMClient to communicate with MS-Word via the COM interface.