Summarizing Permutation Test for Within-grpup Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in the presence of an Estimated Nuisance Parameter
Summarizing Permutation Test for Within-grpup Treatment Effect Heterogeneity in the presence of an Estimated Nuisance Parameter
summary method for class ""
## S3 method for class 'PT.Khmaladze.MultTest'summary(object,..., digits = max(3, getOption("digits")-3))
object: an object of class "PT.Khmaladze.MultTest", usually a result of a call to PT.Khmaladze.MultTest
...: unused
digits: number of digits to display
summary.PT.Khmaladze.MultTest returns an object of class "summary.PT.Khmaladze.MultTest" which has the following components - results: Matrix with the Testing Problem, Number of Permutations for the test and the multiple testing procedure, number of subgroups, (raw) p-values, adjusted p-values, Test Statistic.