Regularized Calibrated Estimation
Augmented inverse probability weighted estimation of population means
Inverse probability weighted estimation of average treatment effects
Model-assisted inference for average treatment effects without regular...
Model-assisted inference for average treatment effects based on cross ...
Model-assisted inference for average treatment effects along regulariz...
Non-regularied M-estimation for fitting generalized linear models
Regularied M-estimation for fitting generalized linear models based on...
Regularied M-estimation for fitting generalized linear models along a ...
Regularied M-estimation for fitting generalized linear models with a f...
Augmented inverse probability weighted estimation of local average tre...
Model-assisted inference for local average treatment effects without r...
Model-assisted inference for local average treatment effects (LATEs) w...
Model-assisted inference for local average treatment effects along reg...
Augmented inverse probability weighted estimation of population means
Inverse probability weighted estimation of population means
Model-assisted inference for population means without regularization
Model-assisted inference for population means based on cross validatio...
Model-assisted inference for population means along a regularization p...
RCAL: Regularized calibrated estimation
Regularized calibrated estimation for causal inference and missing-data problems with high-dimensional data, based on Tan (2020a) <doi:10.1093/biomet/asz059>, Tan (2020b) <doi:10.1214/19-AOS1824> and Sun and Tan (2020) <arXiv:2009.09286>.