covariance function

Calculates the covariance matrix of the normally standardized variables obtained from the columns of x

Calculates the covariance matrix of the normally standardized variables obtained from the columns of x

covariance(x, data = x, cpf = NULL, mean = 0, sd = 1, step = NULL, prec = 10^-4, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", type = 3, extremes = TRUE, sample = NULL, origin_x = NULL, origin_data = origin_x)


  • x: variable
  • data: a sample of data on which a non-parametric pghjjrobability distribution is estimated
  • cpf: cumulative probability distribution. If NULL (default) is calculated as ecdf(data)
  • mean: mean (expected value) of the normalized random variable. Default is 0.
  • sd: standard deviation of the normalized random variable. Default is 1.
  • step: vector of values in which step discontinuities of the cumulative probability function occur. Default is NULL
  • prec: amplitude of the neighbourhood of the step discontinuities where cumulative probability function is treated as non continuous.
  • use: see cov
  • type: see quantile
  • extremes: logical variable. If TRUE (default) the probability or frequency is multiplied by
NN+1 \frac{N}{N+1}

where NN is the length of data

  • sample: information about sample or probability distribution. Default is NULL
  • origin_x: date corresponding to the first row of x
  • origin_data: date corresponding to the first row of data


a matrix with the normalized variable or its inverse

See Also


@note It applies normalizeGaussian_severalstations to x and data and then calculates the covariances among the column. See the R code for further details


Emanuele Cordano, Emanuele Eccel