Calculates the daily means of a range of days around each date of a data frame corresponding to a period between year_min and year_max for stations listed in station
Calculates the daily means of a range of days around each date of a data frame corresponding to a period between year_min and year_max for stations listed in station
getDailyMean(data, year_min =1961, year_max =1990, station = c("T0001","T0010"), origin ="1961-1-1", lag =5)
data: a data frame containing daily data.
year_min: start year
year_max: end year
station: character vector of the IDs of the station where the data are requested
origin: origin date of time-series
lag: lag (number of days) on which daily mean is calculated. The mean is calculated considereing lag days before and after each day.
a matrix containing the requested daily mean data where each day corresponds to a row and each station corresponds to a column
The input data frame data must have the following fields: year,month,day,variables_ID1,variables_ID2,...
where the fields ,variables_ID1,variables_ID2,... contain the daily variables referred to the respective stations and the field names are replaced with the respective station ID.