station: character vector of the IDs of the station where the data are requested
no_date: logical value if TRUE the function extractmonths is used. Default is FALSE. It is recommended if data does not contain columns for the dates.
origin: date corresponding to the first row
yearly: logical value. If TRUE the monthly mean values are calculated for each year from year_min to year_max separately. Default is FALSE.
a matrix containing the requested monthly means where each month corresponds to a row and each station corresponds to a column or a list of such matrices in case the monthly mean values are calculated separately for each year (if yearly is TRUE)
The input data frame data must have the following fields: year,month,day,variables_ID1,variables_ID2,...
where the fields ,variables_ID1,variables_ID2,... contain the daily variables referred to the respective stations and the field names are replaced with the respective station ID. In case yearly is TRUE the returned output is a list of matrices whose names are the corresponding year.