inv_GPCA_iteration function

This function makes an inverse iteration of PCA-Gaussianization process

This function makes an inverse iteration of PCA-Gaussianization process

inv_GPCA_iteration(x = GPCA_iter_param$x_next, GPCA_iter_param, type = 3, extremes = TRUE)


  • x: matrix of gaussian random variale to transform
  • GPCA_iter_param: GPCAiteration S3 object returned by the function GPCA_iteration corresponding the related direct iteration
  • type: see normalizeGaussian_severalstations
  • extremes: see normalizeGaussian_severalstations


the non-Gaussian random variable


This function is based on the inverse of the equation (1) of "PCA Gaussianization for One-Class Remote Sensing Image" by V. Laparra et al.,


library(RMAWGEN) set.seed(1222) N <- 20 x <- rexp(N) y <- x+rnorm(N) df <- data.frame(x=x,y=y) GPCA <- GPCA_iteration(df,extremes=TRUE) x <- rnorm(N) y <- x+rnorm(N) dfn <- data.frame(x=x,y=y) GPCAn <- GPCA_iteration(dfn,extremes=TRUE) df_out <- inv_GPCA_iteration(GPCA_iter_param=GPCA,extremes=TRUE) dfn_out <- inv_GPCA_iteration(GPCA_iter_param=GPCAn,extremes=TRUE)

See Also

GPCA,GPCA_iteration,inv_GPCA_iteration,inv_GPCA,GPCA-class for 'GPCA' S3 class