qqplotWGEN function

Makes a qqplot and Wilcoxon test between the two columns of val

Makes a qqplot and Wilcoxon test between the two columns of val

qqplotWGEN(val, xlab = "simulated", ylab = "measured", main = "title", ylim = c(min(val), max(val)), xlim = c(min(val), max(val)), diff = FALSE, quantile = 0)


  • val: a matrix with two columns containing the two samples to be compared
  • xlab, ylab, main: see plot.default
  • xlim, ylim: see plot.default
  • diff: logical variable, if TRUE the function is applied to diff(val) instead of val. See diff
  • quantile: quantile value on which data samples in val are considered. Default is 0.


Wilcoxon test between the two columns of 'val'


Emanuele Cordano, Emanuele Eccel