Czekanowski's Diagrams
Calculate the distance matrix between clusters.
Preprocess data to produce Czekanowski's Diagram.
Manually reorder Czekanowski's Diagram
Produce a Czekanowski's Diagram
Prints information concerning Czekanowski's Diagram
Prints information concerning Czekanowski's Diagram
function to load data from an mdt file (MaCzek 3.3 - http://www.antrop...
RMaCzek: A package that can produce Czekanowski's diagram
Calculate the Um factor
Allows for production of Czekanowski's Diagrams with clusters. See K. Bartoszek, A. Vasterlund (2020) <doi:10.2478/bile-2020-0008> and K. Bartoszek, Y. Luo (2023) <doi:10.14708/ma.v51i2.7259>.