Reduced Piecewise Exponential Estimate/Test Software
Bisection algorithm in Beta distribution
P-value for the two exponential comparison in Han et al.(2012)
Log likelihood from the gamma distribution
Kaplan-Meier curve
Kaplan-Meier curve
Comparing two Kaplan Meier curves in one plot
Plot a Kaplan Meier curve in log scale
Plot a Kaplan Meier curve in red
Plot a Kaplan Meier curve in red solid line
Obtain values for Kaplan-Meier plotting
Change-point p-values with backward elimination
Change-point p-values at given time points
Change-point p-values with backward elimination under umbrella alterna...
PAVA order restriction under decreasing failure rate (DFR)
PAVA order restriction under increasing failure rate (IFR)
RPEXE estimate given change-points
Reduced Piecewise Exponential Estimate/Test Software
RPEXE main function
total time on test
Umbrella alternative.
This reduced piecewise exponential survival software implements the likelihood ratio test and backward elimination procedure in Han, Schell, and Kim (2012 <doi:10.1080/19466315.2012.698945>, 2014 <doi:10.1002/sim.5915>), and Han et al. (2016 <doi:10.1111/biom.12590>). Inputs to the program can be either times when events/censoring occur or the vectors of total time on test and the number of events. Outputs of the programs are times and the corresponding p-values in the backward elimination. Details about the model and implementation are given in Han et al. 2014. This program can run in R version 3.2.2 and above.
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