Read and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'
Coerce lists, matrices, and data.frames to RiverWare data aggregators
Creates a list for use by getDataForAllScens
Get values at the input exceedance levels for the entire array by date
Get values at the input exceedance levels for the entire array by date
Get and aggregate data from an rdf file(s)
Get the average annual value for each trace
Get the annual maximum for each trace
Get the annual minimum for each trace
Get values that meet a month requirement
Get the annual sum for each trace
Test if the object is an rdf
Test if the object is a rwd_agg
Test if the object is a slot_agg_list
Example rdf file with monthly data.
Combine RiverWare data aggregators
Aggregate RiverWare output for one or more scenarios
Get a slot out of an rdf object
Returns the simulation timespan from an rdf
Returns all slots contained in an rdf file.
Convert an rdf to a tibble
Get one slot out of an rdf list and put it in an XTS object
Read an rdf file into R.
Read RiverWare/RiverSMART produced csv files
Read in a rwd_agg file
Create a vector of scenarios from different dimensions
Class to specify how to aggregate RiverWare data
Create a rwd_agg
RWDataPlyr: Read and Manipulate Data from 'RiverWare'
Simple aggregation functions for monthly matrix data
Map a scenario name to the original scenario folder
List the slot names in a tbl_df
Map a variable name to the RiverWare slot name
A class to control how RiverWare data are aggregated
Example rdf file with annual data.
Get the water year from a year-month (yearmon) value
A tool to read and manipulate data generated from 'RiverWare'(TM) <> simulations. 'RiverWare' and 'RiverSMART' generate data in "rdf", "csv", and "nc" format. This package provides an interface to read, aggregate, and summarize data from one or more simulations in a 'dplyr' pipeline.
Useful links