Raven Hydrological Modelling Framework R Support and Analysis
RavenR ggplot theme
%notin% operator
Convert hours, minutes, seconds to decimal hours
Pipe operator
Annual Peak Comparison
Annual Peak Errors
Annual Peak Event Comparison
Annual Peak Event Errors
Annual Peak Timing Errors
Calculates Yearly Median, Upper and Lower Quantiles of Flow
Plot of Annual Median, Upper and Lower Quantiles of Flow
Annual Volume Comparison
Apply function for water year
which.max over water year periods
Budkyo Plot
Generate runoff coefficients upstream of gauges
Read in generic Raven output csv files
Cumulative Plot of model flows
Plot Raven Custom Output
Writes common Raven labeled line to file, with optional value (appends...
Read Raven Custom Output files
Sets up tables for writing to Raven input files
Calculate distance from long/lat
Downloads Raven
Read in Raven Exhaustive Mass Balance file
Plots summary of watershed forcing functions
Residuals of model flows
Scatterplot of model flows
Flow Spaghetti Plot
Plots summary of watershed forcing functions
Read in Raven ForcingFunctions file
Fortify xts object to specific format
Create weights time series for calibration/diagnostic evaluation
Check period input
Read in Raven Hydrograph file
Extract function for Raven Hydrograph object
Create Hydrograph Plot
Read in Raven Hydrograph file
Interpolate meteorological data using IDW
EC Climate Gauge Record Overlap Visualization
Months in the Year vector
Monthly Volume Bias
Number of Days between two dates
Number of Days in Month
Plot Raven reservoir/lake stage time series using dygraph
Extract function for Raven Reservoir object
Plot Reservoir Stage
Read in Raven ReservoirStages file
Run Raven Executable
Generate RVC file from Custom Output CSVs
Create initial conditions file for Reservoirs
Write Raven Initial Condition (rvc) file
Generate Blank Raven HRU DataFrame
Generate Blank Raven SubBasin DataFrame
Clean HRU data table.
Queries RVH object for subbasins and HRUs of interest
Read Raven .rvh (watershed discretization) file
Basic Raven subbasin network plot
Plot subbasin network using visNetwork
Summarize RVH object
Write/Overwrite Raven rvh file
Write a subbasin group to Raven RVH format
Update command in Raven input file
Generate Hydrological process connections list
Retrieve Parameter Information from RVI file Algorithms
Plot Raven hydrologic process network using DiagrammeR
Plot Raven hydrologic process network
Read Raven .rvi (watershed discretization) file
Write Raven rvi file based on model configuration templates
Rewrite rvp file with placeholder values
Rewrite template rvp file with values
Rvt Mappings Data
Read .rvt (Raven time series) file
EC Streamgauge File Conversion from tidyhydat
Write Raven rvt file from Time Series
EC Climate Station File Conversion
Pads string with spaces, either right or left justified
substring from the Left
substring minus characters from the Left
substring minus characters from the Right
substring from the Right
Infill discontinuous time series with blank values
Read in Raven WatershedStorage file
Read in Raven WatershedMassEnergyBalance file
which.max for xts objects
Write common Raven file header
Opens/Creates a new file, writes common file header.
Writes a nicely formatted tables of Raven attributes/parameters
Water Year Indices
Create plot from xts data
Utilities for processing input and output files associated with the Raven Hydrological Modelling Framework. Includes various plotting functions, model diagnostics, reading output files into extensible time series format, and support for writing Raven input files. The 'RavenR' package is also archived at Chlumsky et al. (2020) <doi:10.5281/zenodo.4248183>. The Raven Hydrologic Modelling Framework method can be referenced with Craig et al. (2020) <doi:10.1016/j.envsoft.2020.104728>.