compute_choice_probabilities function

Compute probit choice probabilities

Compute probit choice probabilities

This is a helper function for choice_probabilities and computes the probit choice probabilities for a single choice situation with J


compute_choice_probabilities(X, alternatives, parameter, ordered = FALSE)


  • X: A matrix of covariates with J rows and P_f + P_r columns, where the first P_f columns are connected to fixed coefficients and the last P_r columns are connected to random coefficients.
  • alternatives: A vector with unique integers from 1 to J, indicating the alternatives for which choice probabilities are to be computed.
  • parameter: An object of class RprobitB_parameter.
  • ordered: A boolean, FALSE per default. If TRUE, the choice set alternatives is assumed to be ordered from worst to best.


A probability vector of length length(alternatives).