model_selection function

Compare fitted models

Compare fitted models

This function returns a table with several criteria for model comparison.

model_selection( ..., criteria = c("npar", "LL", "AIC", "BIC"), add_form = FALSE )


  • ...: One or more objects of class RprobitB_fit.

  • criteria: A vector of one or more of the following characters:

    • "npar" for the number of model parameters (see npar),
    • "LL" for the log-likelihood value (see logLik),
    • "AIC" for the AIC value (see AIC),
    • "BIC" for the BIC value (see BIC),
    • "WAIC" for the WAIC value (also shows its standard error sd(WAIC) and the number pWAIC of effective model parameters, see WAIC),
    • "MMLL" for the marginal model log-likelihood,
    • "BF" for the Bayes factor,
    • "pred_acc" for the prediction accuracy (see pred_acc).
  • add_form: Set to TRUE to add the model formulas.


A data frame, criteria in columns, models in rows.


See the vignette on model selection for more details.