parameter_labels function

Create parameters labels

Create parameters labels

This function creates model parameter labels.

parameter_labels( P_f, P_r, J, C, cov_sym, ordered = FALSE, keep_par = c("s", "alpha", "b", "Omega", "Sigma", "d"), drop_par = NULL )


  • P_f: The number of covariates connected to a fixed coefficient (can be 0).
  • P_r: The number of covariates connected to a random coefficient (can be 0).
  • J: The number (greater or equal 2) of choice alternatives.
  • cov_sym: Set to TRUE for labels of symmetric covariance elements.
  • ordered: A boolean, FALSE per default. If TRUE, the choice set alternatives is assumed to be ordered from worst to best.
  • keep_par: A vector of parameter names which are kept.
  • drop_par: A vector of parameter names which get dropped.


A list of labels for the selected model parameters.