This function simulates choice data from a probit model.
simulate_choices( form, N, T =1, J, re =NULL, alternatives =NULL, ordered =FALSE, ranked =FALSE, base =NULL, covariates =NULL, seed =NULL, true_parameter = list())
form: A formula object that is used to specify the model equation. The structure is choice ~ A | B | C, where
choice is the name of the dependent variable (the choices),
A are names of alternative and choice situation specific covariates with a coefficient that is constant across alternatives,
B are names of choice situation specific covariates with alternative specific coefficients,
and C are names of alternative and choice situation specific covariates with alternative specific coefficients.
Multiple covariates (of one type) are separated by a + sign. By default, alternative specific constants (ASCs) are added to the model. They can be removed by adding +0 in the second spot.
In the ordered probit model (ordered = TRUE), the formula
object has the simple structure choice ~ A. ASCs are not estimated.
N: The number (greater or equal 1) of decision makers.
T: The number (greater or equal 1) of choice occasions or a vector of choice occasions of length N (i.e. a decision maker specific number). Per default, T = 1.
J: The number (greater or equal 2) of choice alternatives.
re: A character (vector) of covariates of form with random effects. If re = NULL (the default), there are no random effects. To have random effects for the ASCs, include "ASC" in re.
alternatives: A character vector with the names of the choice alternatives. If not specified, the choice set is defined by the observed choices. If ordered = TRUE, alternatives is assumed to be specified with the alternatives ordered from worst to best.
ordered: A boolean, FALSE per default. If TRUE, the choice set alternatives is assumed to be ordered from worst to best.
ranked: TBA
base: A character, the name of the base alternative for covariates that are not alternative specific (i.e. type 2 covariates and ASCs). Ignored and set to NULL if the model has no alternative specific covariates (e.g. in the ordered probit model). Per default, base is the last element of alternatives.
covariates: A named list of covariate values. Each element must be a vector of length equal to the number of choice occasions and named according to a covariate. Covariates for which no values are supplied are drawn from a standard normal distribution.
seed: Set a seed for the simulation.
true_parameter: Optionally specify a named list with true parameter values for alpha, C, s, b, Omega, Sigma, Sigma_full, beta, z, or d for the simulation. See the vignette on model definition
### simulate data from a binary probit model with two latent classesdata <- simulate_choices( form = choice ~ cost | income | time, N =100, T =10, J =2, re = c("cost","time"), alternatives = c("car","bus"), seed =1, true_parameter = list("alpha"= c(-1,1),"b"= matrix(c(-1,-1,-0.5,-1.5,0,-1), ncol =2),"C"=2))### simulate data from an ordered probit modeldata <- simulate_choices( form = opinion ~ age + gender, N =10, T =1:10, J =5, alternatives = c("very bad","bad","indifferent","good","very good"), ordered =TRUE, covariates = list("gender"= rep(sample(c(0,1),10, replace =TRUE), times =1:10)), seed =1)### simulate data from a ranked probit modeldata <- simulate_choices( form = product ~ price, N =10, T =1:10, J =3, alternatives = c("A","B","C"), ranked =TRUE, seed =1)
See Also
check_form() for checking the model formula
overview_effects() for an overview of the model effects
create_lagged_cov() for creating lagged covariates
as_cov_names() for re-labeling alternative-specific covariates
prepare_data() for preparing empirical choice data
train_test() for splitting choice data into a train and test subset