Make spatial predictions with a QUEFTS model. First create a model, then use the model with a SpatRaster of soil properties to make spatial predictions.
supply: SpatRaster with nutrient supply data (Ns, Ps, Ks)
yatt: SpatRaster with attainable yield
leaf_ratio: positive numeric (typically between 0 and 1) indicating the leaf weight relative to the storage organ weight. For example: 0.46 for maize, 0.17 for potato, and 0.18 for rice
stem_ratio: positive numeric (typically between 0 and 1) indicating the stem weight relative to the storage organ weight, For example: 0.56 for maize, 0.14 for potato, and 0.67 for rice
var: character. Output variable name. Either "yield" or "gap"
filename: character. Output filename. Optional
overwrite: logical. If TRUE, filename is overwritten
...: list. Options for writing files as in writeRaster