Manipulations of Triangular Meshes Based on the 'VCGLIB' API
updates vertex normals of a triangular meshes or point clouds
Compute mesh adjacency list representation or the vertex neighborhoods...
find all faces belonging to each vertex in a mesh
Compute volume for manifold meshes
Export meshes to WRL-files
check the orientation of a mesh
print number of vertices and triangular faces of a mesh
check if an object of class mesh3d contains valid data
get number of vertices from a mesh
get number of vertices from a mesh
deprecated functions of Rvcg
Interface between R and vcglib libraries for mesh operations
helper function to create an object to be processed by vcgRaySearch
compute surface area of a triangular mesh
Ball pivoting surface reconstruction
get barycenters of all faces of a triangular mesh
find all border vertices and faces of a triangular mesh
Clean triangular surface meshes
Project coordinates onto a target triangular surface mesh.
Project coordinates onto a target triangular surface mesh using KD-tre...
search a KD-tree from Barycenters for multiple closest point searches ...
create a KD-tree
create a KD-tree from Barycenters for multiple closest point searches ...
calculate curvature of a triangular mesh
Compute pseudo-geodesic distances on a triangular mesh
Compute normalized face normals for a mesh.
Compute geodesic path and path length between vertices on a mesh
Compute pseudo-geodesic distance between two points on a mesh
Get all edges of a triangular mesh
Import common mesh file formats.
Remove isolated pieces from a surface mesh or split into connected com...
Create Isosurface from 3D-array
Isotropically remesh a triangular surface mesh
perform kdtree search for 3D-coordinates.
fast Kmean clustering for 1D, 2D and 3D data
calculates the average edge length of a triangular mesh
evaluate the difference between two triangular meshes.
Get all non-border edges
Export meshes to OBJ-files
Export meshes to OFF-files
create platonic objects as triangular meshes
Import ascii or binary PLY files.
Export meshes to PLY-files
Performs Quadric Edge Decimation on triangular meshes.
check if a mesh is intersected by a set of rays
Subsamples points on a mesh surface
search an existing KD-tree
Smoothes a triangular mesh
Implicit Smoothes a triangular mesh
Export meshes to STL-files
subdivide the triangles of a mesh
Resample a mesh uniformly
Operations on triangular meshes based on 'VCGLIB'. This package integrates nicely with the R-package 'rgl' to render the meshes processed by 'Rvcg'. The Visualization and Computer Graphics Library (VCG for short) is an open source portable C++ templated library for manipulation, processing and displaying with OpenGL of triangle and tetrahedral meshes. The library, composed by more than 100k lines of code, is released under the GPL license, and it is the base of most of the software tools of the Visual Computing Lab of the Italian National Research Council Institute ISTI <>, like 'metro' and 'MeshLab'. The 'VCGLIB' source is pulled from trunk <> and patched to work with options determined by the configure script as well as to work with the header files included by 'RcppEigen'.
Useful links