R Interface to the 'Yacas' Computer Algebra System
Convert yac symbol to character
Convert yacas object to R
Convert R vector/matrix to yacas vector (list) or matrix (list of list...
Combine R Objects by Columns
Find the derivative of yac symbol
Matrix Determinant
Matrix diagonals
Matrix diagonals
Get width of yacas output
Matrix multiplication
Find the Hessian matrix of yac symbol
Integration of Functions
Find the Jacobian matrix of yac symbol
Lower and upper triangular part of a matrix
Math functions
Math operators
Pipe operator
Matrix Power
Product of Vector Elements
Combine R Objects by Rows
R interface to yacas computer algebra package
Set width of yacas output
Simplify expression
Solve a system of equations
Extract or replace parts of an object
Extract parts of an object
Extract or replace parts of an object
Export object to TeX
Matrix Trace
Lower and upper triangular part of a matrix
Give a variable a value
Evaluate a yacas expression
Prepare simple yacas
Pretty print yacas strings
Remove/strip variable names
Run yacas command
Assign yacas variable
yacas command line interface
Run yacas command returning R expression
Run yacas command silently
Run yacas command returning string/character
Make a yacas symbol
Make a yacas symbol
List defined yac_symbols
Interface to the 'yacas' computer algebra system (<http://www.yacas.org/>).
Useful links