add_sdg_pattern function

Users Can Add Customized Patterns for Each SDG or Target

Users Can Add Customized Patterns for Each SDG or Target

add_sdg_pattern(sdg_id, x, operator = "AND", quiet = FALSE)


  • sdg_id: SDG Goal's ID or Target's ID, in the format of 'SDGx_y', e.g., SDG1_1, SDG2_general
  • x: A vector of strings
  • operator: 'AND', 'OR' to combine a vector of keywords for identifying SDG Goals or Targets.
  • quiet: Logical. Suppress info message


A regerx string


terms_new <- c("improve", "farmer", "income") add_sdg_pattern(sdg_id = 'SDG1_2', x = terms_new, operator = 'AND')