Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for Multiple Pairwise Comparisons
Heatmap plot of the ranking achieved by a target variable levels after...
R package implementing the Statistical Ranking Color Scheme for visual...
Compares the performance of two algorithms for a single problem config...
Computes the ranks of all the algorithms from their (repeated) results...
Implementation of the SRCS method for a color-based visualization of the results of multiple pairwise tests on a large number of problem configurations, proposed in: I.G. del Amo, D.A. Pelta. SRCS: a technique for comparing multiple algorithms under several factors in dynamic optimization problems. In: E. Alba, A. Nakib, P. Siarry (Eds.), Metaheuristics for Dynamic Optimization. Series: Studies in Computational Intelligence 433, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2012.