Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
Copy LSN to temporary directory
Create a covariance matrix
Compute AIC and AICc of fitted model objects
Compute analysis of variance and likelihood ratio tests of fitted mode...
Augment data with information from fitted model objects
Extract fitted model coefficients
Confidence intervals for fitted model parameters
Compute Cook's distance
Create netgeom column in SSN object
Fitted model deviance
Extract model fitted values
Model formulae
Glance at a fitted model object
Glance at many fitted model objects
Compute leverage (hat) values
Regression diagnostics
Find labels from object
Extract log-likelihood
Perform leave-one-out cross validation
MiddleFork04.ssn: Middle Fork 2004 stream temperature dataset
Extract the model frame from a fitted model object
Extract the model matrix from a fitted model object
Plot fitted model diagnostics
Plot Torgegram
Model predictions (Kriging)
Print SSN object
Print values
Compute a pseudo r-squared
Objects exported from other packages
Extract fitted model residuals
Calculate Hydrologic Distances for an SSN
Get a data.frame from an SSN, ssn_lm, or ssn_glm object
Extract netgeom column
Get stream distance matrices from an SSN
Fitting Generalized Linear Models for Spatial Stream Networks
Import prediction points into an SSN, ssn_lm, or ssn_glm object
Import SSN
Create a covariance parameter initial object
Fitting Linear Models for Spatial Stream Networks
Return names of data in an SSN object
Create covariance parameter objects.
Put an sf data.frame in an SSN object
Simulate random variables on a stream network
Split a prediction dataset in an SSN
Subset an SSN
Convert object from SpatialStreamNetwork
class to SSN
Update path in an SSN object
write an SSN object
SSN2: Spatial Modeling on Stream Networks
Summarize an SSN object
Summarize a fitted model object
Tidy a fitted model object
Compute the empirical semivariogram
Variability component comparison
Calculate variance-covariance matrix for a fitted model object
Spatial statistical modeling and prediction for data on stream networks, including models based on in-stream distance (Ver Hoef, J.M. and Peterson, E.E., (2010) <DOI:10.1198/jasa.2009.ap08248>.) Models are created using moving average constructions. Spatial linear models, including explanatory variables, can be fit with (restricted) maximum likelihood. Mapping and other graphical functions are included.