R API Wrapper for SigOpt
Create an experiment
Create an observation for an experiment
Create a suggestion for an experiment
Fetch an experiment
Franke function - http://www.sfu.ca/~ssurjano/franke2d.html
Get the SigOpt API token from the SIGOPT_API_TOKEN environment variabl...
Get the SigOpt API url from the SIGOPT_API_URL environment variable or...
User agent for current version of SigOpt R API Client
Create authentication for SigOpt API, using HTTP Basic Auth
Check content returned by the SigOpt API
GET request to SigOpt API path, with json encoded body
Parse content returned by the SigOpt API
POST request to SigOpt API path, with json encoded body
Interfaces with the 'SigOpt' API. More info at <https://sigopt.com>.