Interact with Simile Models
Set a model's parameters from a file saved by Simile
Create an executable model instance
Allocates memory for interactively loading model parameters
List Simile model components
Load a Simile executable model
Execute a Simile model to a given time point
Get properties of model components
Gets the time in the simulation.
Get values from model components
Get values from model components
Test if a path or handle is a 'dummy' whose only purpose is to allow t...
resets the model to its initial state.
Sets a model parameter with data in an array
Sets the time step used to execute a model.
Interface to executable Simile models
Re-format model value array
Re-format model value array
Initialize the Simile interface
Allows a Simile model saved as a compiled binary to be loaded, parameterized, executed and interrogated. This version works with Simile v6 on.