amount: Amount of organic amendment in fresh weight (t/ha)
amd_type: Type of organic manure, there are default values available for "Slurry_dairy_cow", "Manure_dairy_cow", "Slurry_cattle", "Manure_cattle", "Slurry_pig", "Manure_pig", "Compost", "Biorga_Quick_12N" and others (see CN_input_amendments_LUT)
DMC: dry matter content of the organic amendment (gDM/kgFM)
C_content: C content of the dry matter (gC/kgDM)
N_content: N content of the dry matter (gN/kgDM)
return.comment: (optional): logical value if comments are returned or not. Default = FALSE
concentration_liquids: concentration factor for liquid amendments. Default value is .5.
a tibble with the following parameters:
C_input_org: C input by organic ammendment (kgC/ha)
N_input_org: N input by organic ammendment (kgN/ha)
comment (optional): Source of information on properties of organic amendment
The C and N inputs by organic amendments is calculated based on the dry matter content (DMC) and the C and N content of the dry matter of the amendment. If the contents are not specified, default values from the Swiss fertilizer recommendations \insertCite GRUD2017_ch8SoilManageR are assumed. The default values are available the look-up-table CN_input_amendments_LUT
For all slurries and liquid amendments (DMC < 150 g/kg), a dilution of 50% is assumed if default DMC values from the CN_input_amendments_LUT are used.
#example where amount, dry matter content, C and N content are known.CN_input_amendments(40, DMC =300, C_content =300, N_content =30)#example where only amount and type of amendment are known CN_input_amendments(20,"Manure_pig")#example of a diluted slurryCN_input_amendments(20, amd_type ="Slurry_dairy_cow", DMC =50)
See Also
C_input() to calculate C inputs for a management_df
N_input() to calculate N inputs for a management_df
C_input_crops() to calculate C inputs by crops
C_input_cover_crops() to calculate C input for cover crops
CN_input_amendments_LUT() for the look-up-table for organic amendments reference values