Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition
Convert the pool names to indices
Transform pool names to indices
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constructor from strings of the form 'x->y' new object with the source...
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new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex if necessa...
convert to a list indexed by pool names
new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex if necessa...
convert to a list indexed by pool names
new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolName if necessar...
convert to a list indexed by pool names
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Implementation of the Century model
Implementation of a radiocarbon version of the Century model
helper function
helper function to check that the length of the argument is exactly 1
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Check pool ids
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Computes results
class for a constant influx to a single pool identified by index
class for a constant influx to a single pool identified by pool name
Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements of type C...
constructor from ConstInFluxes
constructor from a normal list
constructor from numeric vector
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements of type C...
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Describes a flux rates.
Extract the times vector
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Time vector of SoilR object
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Transfer coefficients
deprecated, use getTransferMatrixFunc instead
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Transfer matrix function
Transit time distribution obtained through a numerical simulation. It ...
Transit time distribution for SoilR objects
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Get values of SoilR object
Implementation of the ICBM/N model
Implementation of the Introductory Carbon Balance Model (ICBM)
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class for the influx to a single pool identified by the index
Constructor from an ordered pair of PoolIndex (integer like) objects
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class for the influx to a single pool identified by the name
Constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName (string like) and functio...
Generic constructor for an influx to a single pool from an ordered pai...
A virtual S4-class representing (different subclasses) of in-fluxes to...
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A generic factory for subclasses of InFluxes
Describes a list of flux rates.
constructor from a normal list after checking the elements
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Class for a list of influxes indexed by the names of the target pools
constructor from a normal list
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
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Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this class
Internal method to supervise creation of objects of this class
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S4-class for a single internal flux with source and destination pools ...
constructor from an ordered pair of PoolIndex (integer like) objects a...
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4-class for a single internal flux with source and destination pools ...
constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName (string like) objects and...
automatic title
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4-class for a list of internal fluxes with source and destination poo...
Constructor from a normal list after checking the elements
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4-class for a list of internal fluxes with indexed by (source and des...
constructor from a normal list
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Extract the times vector
Calculates all stocks all fluxes to ,in and out of the compartment sys...
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Time range of a simulation described in an object of class ConstLinDec...
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The time interval where the function is defined
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Extracts the time interval for which the function is valid.
Time range of a model simulation
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Conversion of radiocarbon values
Conversion of radiocarbon values
Conversion of radiocarbon values, from Delta14C to absolute fraction m...
Conversion of radiocarbon values
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Add elements to plot
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Convert to a numeric vector with the pool names as names
Convert to a numeric value with name of the form 'a->b'
Convert to a numeric vector with names of the form 'a->b'
Convert to a numeric vector with the pool names as names
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Available particle properties
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Available particle sets
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Available resident sets
Implementation of the microbial model AWB (Allison, Wallenstein, Bradf...
Implementation of the microbial model Bacwave (bacterial waves)
Binding of pre- and post-bomb Delta14C curves
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S4-class to represent atmospheric 14C concentration as scalar function...
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Bound Fc object
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constructor for BoundInFluxes
Creates an object of class BoundLinDecompOp
A S4 class to represent a linear compartmental operator defined on tim...
A converter
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex if necessa...
new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolName if necessar...
convert to a list indexed by pool names
new object with the source pool id converted to a PoolIndex if necessa...
convert to a list indexed by pool names
convert a function f of to f_vec
Describes a flux rates.
Constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class representing a constant internal flux rate
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Generic constructor for the class with the same name
constructor with argument conversion
S4-class to represent a constant internal flux rate with source and ta...
constructor from strings of the form 'a->b'
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Describes a list of flux rates.
constructor from a normal list
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Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Describes a list of flux rates.
Constructor from a normal list of fluxes
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 Class to represent a single constant out-flux rate with the source ...
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Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 Class to represent a single constant out-flux rate with the source ...
Describes a list of flux rates.
constructor from a normal list
automatic title
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Describes a list of flux rates.
constructor from a normal list
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Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class representing a constant 14C fraction
creates an object containing the initial values for the 14C fraction n...
S4 class for a constant influx vector
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Constant input fluxes
A class to represent a constant (=nonautonomous,linear) compartmental ...
Constructor of object of ConstLinDecompOp class
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
A class to represent a constant (=nonautonomous,linear) compartmental ...
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Cycling analysis of compartmental matrices
S4-class to represent compartmental operators
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Conversion of radiocarbon values
Conversion of radiocarbon values
Conversion of radiocarbon values
Conversion of radiocarbon values
Entropy rate per jump
Entropy rate per time
2D example for constant Influx
create an example nested list that can be
create an example TimeMap from 2D array
create an example TimeFrame from 3D array
create an example TimeFrame from 3D array
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helper function
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the Arrhenius ...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the the CENTUR...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according the the CENTUR...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to the DAYCENT...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to the DAYCENT...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to the DEMETER...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a model pro...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a function ...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a linear mo...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to a Q10 funct...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to the functio...
Effects of temperature on decomposition rates according to the StandCa...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the Candy mode...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the CENTURY mo...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the DAYCENT mo...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the DAYCENT mo...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the DEMETER mo...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the Gompertz f...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the function p...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the RothC mode...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the function p...
Effects of moisture on decomposition rates according to the StandCarb ...
Implementation of a the six-pool C14 model proposed by Gaudinski et al...
Pass through factory for objects of subclasses of DecompOp
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A generic factory for subclasses of GeneralDecompOp
additional function to create Models
create objects of class Model_14
Use this function to create objects of class NlModel.
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generic factory for this virtual class
General pool Id
Compute the time integral of the relaese fluxes over time
Accumulated release flux out of the pools
Pool Contents for all times
Pool Contents for all times
Pool Contents for all times
Calculates the content of the pools
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Generic that yields the 14C content for all pools and all times
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Compartmental matrix function
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Extract the matrix valued function of time and state vector for the co...
Compartmental matrix function
Constant compartmental matrix
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Constant compartmental matrix
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Input flux vector
Constant internal flux rate list by pool index
Constant internal flux rate list by pool index
Constant out flux rate list by pool index
Constant out flux rate list by pool index
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Constant linear decomposition operator
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Cummulative pool contents
Extract the Compartmental Operator
Extract the Compartmental Operator
Decomposition operator of a model
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Dot out
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Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the content all pools and all...
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Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the cumulative content of all...
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Generic that yields the 14C fraction for the release flux of all pools...
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Get format of SoilR object
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Function describing an object of class ConstLinDecompOp
convert names of vectors or lists to class ConstantOutFluxRate convert...
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Extracts the time dependent matrix valued function (compartmental matr...
Function definition of SoilR model
Extract the InFluxes as provided during creation of the model
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Extract the influxes
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Initial values of SoilR object
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Linear scale factor
Mean transit time obtained through a numerical simulation. It produces...
Mean transit time for SoilR objects
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Number of pools in a model
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Generic Function to obtain the fluxes out of of the pools
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Pools receiving outputs from other pools
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The release fluxes for all pools.
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Generic Function to obtain the vector of release fluxes out of the poo...
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Generic that yields the 14C fraction in the release flux
Derivative of the state variables as function
Provide the (vector valued) derivative of the stocks with respect to t...
Right hand side of ODE of a SoilR model
All Fluxes and stocks for all times
Implementation of a general model for linear non-autonomous systems wi...
Add lines with the output of getC14
, getC
, or getReleaseFlux
to ...
tensor product of lists
Experimental Class for a Monte Carlo Simulation of particles leaving t...
S4 class representing a model run
Constructor for class Model
S4-class to represent a 14C model run
general constructor for class Model_14
A model run based on flux functions
Constructor for Model_by_PoolNames
deprecated class for a non-linear model run.
alternative Constructor with pool names helper function
Implementation of a one pool model
Implementation of a one-pool C14 model
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class for a single out-flux with source pool index
constructor from a PoolIndex (integer like) objects and a function wit...
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class for a single out-flux with source pool name
constructor from a PoolName (integer like) object and a function
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
A list of outfluxes
constructor from a normal list
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
S4 class for a list of out-fluxes indexed by source pool name
constructor from a normal list
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
models for unconnected pools
Path Entropy
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Create an overview plot
Plot the graph of pool connections
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Plots the output of getF14
for each pool over time
Plots the output of getC
or getReleaseFlux
for each pool over time
Plot the graph of pool connections
Generic plotter
Helper function to draw connectivity graphs
constructor from an ordered pair of PoolId objects
Objects that have a source and a destination described by integer like...
constructor from strings of the form '1_to_2'
Pool connection by pool index
constructor from an ordered pair of PoolName objects
Objects that have a source and a destination determined by a string li...
Pool connection by pool name
common class for pool ids
construct from number string like '1' or '3'
S4 class for pool indices
construct from number
pass through constructor fron an object of the same class
convert to number like object
Pool index
construct from string with checks
class for pool-name-strings
convert to string like object
pass through constructor fron an object of the same class
Pool name
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helper function to compute respiration coefficients
Implementation of the RothCModel
S4 class for a scalar time dependent function on a finite time interva...
constructor for data given as 2 column data.frame
manual constructor for just a function
manual constructor for a function and an interval
special case for a time map from a constant
constructor for data and times given as vectors
Constructor for ScalarTimeMap-class
General m-pool linear model with series structure
General m-pool linear C14 model with series structure
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deprecated function that used to create an object of class SoilR.F0
determine the minimum set of statevariables
Input vector that is a function of the pool contenst and time
Constructor for the class with the same name
Subclass of list that is guaranteed to contain only elements of type S...
constructor from a normal list
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Experimentally overloaded index operator
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A symbolic model description based on flux functions
System and pool age for constant compartment models
Implementation of a 6-pool Michaelis-Menten model
Implementation of a three pool model with feedback structure
Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with feedback structure
Implementation of a three pool model with parallel structure
Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with parallel structure
Implementation of a three pool model with series structure
Implementation of a three-pool C14 model with series structure
S4 class for a time dependent function
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manual constructor for just a function
manual constructor for a function and an interval
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deprecated constructor of the class TimeMap.
Constructor for TimeMap-class
The time interval where both functions are defined
Transit times for compartment models
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Estimation of the turnover time from a radiocarbon sample.
Implementation of a two pool model with feedback structure
Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with feedback structure
Implementation of a two-pool Michaelis-Menten model
Implementation of a linear two pool model with parallel structure
Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with parallel structure
Implementation of a two pool model with series structure
Implementation of a two-pool C14 model with series structure
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Unbound input fluxes
An S4 class to represent a linear nonautonomous compartmental matrix
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
An S4 class to represent a nonlinear nonautonomous compartmental matri...
Constructor for the class with the same name
Constructor for the class with the same name
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
An S4 class to represent the of nonlinear nonautonomous compartmental ...
Generic constructor for the class with the same name
Implementation of the Yasso07 model
Implementation of the Yasso model.
Functions for modeling Soil Organic Matter decomposition in terrestrial ecosystems with linear and nonlinear systems of differential equations. The package implements models according to the compartmental system representation described in Sierra and others (2012) <doi:10.5194/gmd-5-1045-2012> and Sierra and others (2014) <doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1919-2014>.