Temperature Correction For Reaeration Value. Corrects reaeration value to temperature of the stream.
Kt(K, temp)
K: Rearation Coefficient single value or in a zoo object
temp: temperature value at time t in Degrees Celcius
Single Values or zoo series
Thyssen, N., Erlandsen, M., Jeppesen, E., Holm T. F.,1983. Modelling the reaeration capacity of low-land streams dominated by submerged macrophytes. In: Lauenroth, W.K., Skogerboe, G.V., Flug, M. (Eds.), Analysis of Ecological Systems: State of the Art in Ecological Modelling. Elsevier, pp. 861-867 as reported in Izagirre O., M. Bermejo, J. Pozo, and A. Elosegi. 2007. RIVERMET: An Excel-based tool to calculate river metabolism from diel oxygen-concentration curves. Environmental Modelling & Software, 22:24-32.