AnomalyDetection function

Automatic Anomaly detection

Automatic Anomaly detection

AnomalyDetection( timeseries, frequency = 52, conf_level = 1.5, breaks, window_len = 14 )


  • timeseries: Given time series
  • frequency: Timeseries frequency, defaults to 12 points
  • conf_level: Confidence level for Anomaly detection
  • breaks: breakpoints identified
  • window_len: Window length for anomaly detection


the list of anomalies in the time series, along with the time series plot


AnomalyDetection(timeseries = StructuralDecompose::Nile_dataset[,1], breaks = c(4, 50, 80)) AnomalyDetection(timeseries = runif(n = 50, min = 1, max = 10), breaks = c(4, 20, 30))