Weibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censored Covariate
Cumulative distribution function
Censor a vector of continuous numbers
Extract coefficients of Weibull regression with an interval-censored c...
Transformation of survreg output for the Weibull distribution
Extract value of log-likelihood at maximum for Weibull regression with...
Log-likelihood functions for estimation of canonical parameters from a...
Log likelihood function to compute mean difference between two normall...
Log-likelihood function of a Weibull Survival Regression Model allowin...
Maximum Likelihood Estimator for the mean difference between two censo...
Maximum Likelihood Estimator of parameters from a censored sample
Print result of Weibull regression with an interval-censored covariate
Summarizing Weibull regression with an interval-censored covariate
Weibull Survival Regression Model with a censored covariate
Weibull Regression for a Right-Censored Endpoint with Interval-Censore...
Generate time-to-event data according to a Weibull regression model
Diagnostic Plot of Adequacy of Weibull Distribution
Function to be integrated in function SurvRegCens
Weibull Regression for Survival Data
The function SurvRegCens() of this package allows estimation of a Weibull Regression for a right-censored endpoint, one interval-censored covariate, and an arbitrary number of non-censored covariates. Additional functions allow to switch between different parametrizations of Weibull regression used by different R functions, inference for the mean difference of two arbitrarily censored Normal samples, and estimation of canonical parameters from censored samples for several distributional assumptions. Hubeaux, S. and Rufibach, K. (2014) <arXiv:1402.0432>.