Transparent Assessment Framework for Reproducible Research
Clean Boot Directory
Clean Data
Clean TAF Library
Clean TAF Directories
Clean TAF Software
Convert Spaces
Copy Files
List Dependencies
Detach Packages
Divide Columns
Convert Line Endings
Download GitHub Repository
Download File
Draft DATA.bib
Draft SOFTWARE.bib
File Encoding
Convert FLR Table to TAF Format
Get Remote SHA
Is R Package
Convert File Encoding
Axis Limits
Line Endings
Convert Long Table to TAF Format
Convert Long Table to Crosstab Format
Run All TAF Scripts as Needed
Run R Script If Needed
Run TAF Script If Needed
Create Directory
Show Message
Operating System
Rename Plus Group Column
Read Metadata Entries
Read TAF Table from File
Remove Empty Directory
Round Columns
Convert SAM Table to TAF Format
Run All TAF Scripts
Source Directory
Run TAF Script
Various TAF Helper Functions
Transparent Assessment Framework for Reproducible Research
Construct Boot Path
Boot TAF Analysis
Construct Boot Data Path
TAF Install
Add TAF Library Path
TAF Library
PNG Device
TAF Session
TAF Skeleton
List Sources
Unzip File
Convert TAF Table to HTML
Convert TAF Table to Long Format
Convert TAF Table to Crosstab Format
TAF Transpose
Write TAF Table to File
Convert Crosstab Table to Long Format
Convert Crosstab Table to TAF Format
Functions to organize data, methods, and results used in scientific analyses. A TAF analysis consists of four scripts (data.R, model.R, output.R, report.R) that are run sequentially. Each script starts by reading files from a previous step and ends with writing out files for the next step. Convenience functions are provided to version control the required data and software, run analyses, clean residues from previous runs, manage files, manipulate tables, and produce figures. With a focus on stability and reproducible analyses, TAF is designed to have no package dependencies. TAF forms a base layer for the 'icesTAF' package and other scientific applications.