Transcriptome Visualization Process Scheme
Box plot support two levels and multiple groups with P value.
Chord plot for visualizing the relationships of pathways and genes.
Circos heatmap plot for visualizing gene expressing in multiple sample...
Correlation Heatmap for samples/groups based on Pearson algorithm.
Dendrograms for multiple samples/groups clustering.
Flower plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple sets.
Gene cluster trend plot for visualizing gene expression trend profile ...
Gene ranking dotplot for visualizing differentailly expressed genes.
GO enrichment analysis based on GO annotation results (None/Exist Refe...
GO enrichment analysis and bar plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
GO enrichment analysis and dot plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
GO enrichment analysis and net plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
GO enrichment analysis and stat plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
Heatmap cluster for visualizing clustered gene expression data.
Heatmap group for visualizing grouped gene expression data.
KEGG enrichment analysis based on KEGG annotation results (None/Exist ...
KEGG enrichment analysis and bar plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
KEGG enrichment analysis and dot plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
KEGG enrichment analysis and net plot (None/Exist Reference Genome).
MversusA plot for visualizing differentially expressed genes.
Network plot for analyzing and visualizing relationship of genes.
PCA dimensional reduction analysis for RNA-Seq.
PCA dimensional reduction visualization for RNA-Seq.
Quantile plot for visualizing data distribution.
Survival plot for analyzing and visualizing survival data.
Table cross used to cross search and merge results in two tables.
Table filter used to filter row by column condition.
Table merge used to merge multiple variables to on variable.
Table split used for splitting a grouped column to multiple columns.
TOmicsVis shiny app start function.
Trend plot for visualizing gene expression trend profile in multiple t...
TSNE analysis for analyzing and visualizing TSNE algorithm.
TSNE plot for analyzing and visualizing TSNE algorithm.
UMAP analysis for analyzing RNA-Seq data.
UMAP plot for analyzing and visualizing UMAP algorithm.
UpSet plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple sets.
Venn plot for stat common and unique gene among multiple sets.
Violin plot support two levels and multiple groups with P value.
Volcano plot for visualizing differentailly expressed genes.
WGCNA analysis pipeline for RNA-Seq.
Transcriptome visualization from sample trait statistics to gene expression analysis. Six categories include "Samples Statistics", "Traits Analysis", "Differential Expression Analysis", "Advanced Analysis", "GO and KEGG Enrichment", "Tables Operations", with complete sample data.
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