Fitting Second-Order Tensor Data
The function computing information criterion values and deviances.
The function performing the Alternating Least Square (ALS) Algorithm.
The function confirming the input variables fit the requirements of th...
Marking Specific Pixels on the Given Image Plot
getGLMCoef: Computing the regression coefficients of generalized linea...
Computation of two matrices: the column of the output matrix is the Kr...
Computation of the vector of Hadamard product values of the matrices `...
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Plot Effective Image Pixels for A "tsglm" Object
Predict by Second-order Tensor Generalized Regression
Summarizing Second-order Tensor Generalized Regression Fits
Fitting Second-order Tensor Generalized Regression
The TensorTest2D Package
The function computing the covariance matrices of the tensor regressio...
An implementation of fitting generalized linear models on second-order tensor type data. The functions within this package mainly focus on parameter estimation, including parameter coefficients and standard deviation.
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