Truncated Exponential Family
Averages out the sufficient statistics T(y)
Prints welcome message on package load
Probability Density Function
Extract parameters
Calculate empirical parameters
Generates an rtrunc-dispatchable class
ML Estimation of Distribution Parameters
Convert natural parameters to distribution parameters
Convert distribution parameters to natural parameters
Print sample from truncated distribution
Probability distribution class
Cumulative Distribution Function
Quantile Function
The Truncated Exponential Family
Truncated Exponential Family
Validate family parameters
Handles truncated members from the exponential family of probability distributions. Contains functions such as rtruncnorm() and dtruncpois(), which are truncated versions of rnorm() and dpois() from the stats package that also offer richer output containing, for example, the distribution parameters. It also provides functions to retrieve the original distribution parameters from a truncated sample by maximum-likelihood estimation.