Uncertainty Decomposition
Slight modifications of apply() and sweep()
Cumulative uncertainty(DEPRECATED)
Plot UD_list
Print UD
Scenario uncertainty(DEPRECATED)
Stage uncertainty(DEPRECATED)
Model-wise uncertainty based on the second order interaction ANOVA
Stage-wise uncertainty based on the second order interaction ANOVA
Model-wise balanced uncertainty
Stage-wise balanced uncertainty
Stage-wise uncertainty based on cumulative uncertainty
Convert model uncertainty to stage uncertainty
Make uncertainty table
uncertainty measures
Postprocess UD
If a procedure consists of several stages and there are several models that can be selected for each stage, uncertainty of the procedure can be decomposed by stages or models. This package includes the ANOVA-based method, the cumulative uncertainty-based method, and the balanced decomposition method. Yongdai Kim et al. (2019) <doi:10.1016/j.hydroa.2019.100024> is a related paper which is accessible via the URL below.