Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models
The A1A2A3 Blood Group System
The AA-Aa-aa Blood Group System
The AB-Ab-aB-ab Blood Group System
The ABO Blood Group System
Ordinal Regression with Adjacent Categories Probabilities
Akaike's Information Criterion
Arcsine--Logit Link Mixtures
Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Values in GAITD Regression
Binomial Logistic Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimati...
Exponential Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Asymmetric Least Squares Quantile Regression
Poisson Regression by Asymmetric Maximum Likelihood Estimation
Analysis of Deviance for Vector Generalized Linear Model Fits
Autoregressive Process with Order-1 Family Function
Computation of the Exact EIM of an Order-1 Autoregressive Process
The AR-1 Autoregressive Process
Arcsine Link Function
Auxiliary Function for the Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Tim...
The Bell Series of Integers
Benford's Distribution
Benini Distribution Family Function
The Benini Distribution
Beta-binomial Distribution Family Function
Beta-binomial Distribution Family Function
The Beta-Binomial Distribution
The Two-parameter Beta Distribution Family Function
Beta-geometric Distribution Family Function
The Beta-Geometric Distribution
Beta Distribution of the Second Kind
The Beta-Normal Distribution
The Beta-Prime Distribution
The Two-parameter Beta Distribution Family Function
Ali-Mikhail-Haq Distribution Family Function
Ali-Mikhail-Haq Bivariate Distribution
Clayton Copula (Bivariate) Family Function
Clayton Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
Bayesian Information Criterion
Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern's Bivariate Distribution
Bivariate Farlie-Gumbel-Morgenstern Exponential Distribution Family Fu...
Frank's Bivariate Distribution Family Function
Frank's Bivariate Distribution
Gumbel's Type I Bivariate Distribution Family Function
Bivariate Logistic Distribution Family Function
Bivariate Logistic Distribution
Bivariate Binary Regression with an Odds Ratio (Family Function)
Bivariate Odds Ratio Model
Bivariate Probit Regression
Bivariate Probit Model
Binomial Family Function
Bivariate Normal Distribution Family Function
Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Family Function
Bivariate Normal Distribution Cumulative Distribution Function
Gaussian Copula (Bivariate) Distribution
Plackett's Bivariate Copula Family Function
Plackett's Bivariate Copula
Biplot of Constrained Regression Models
Birnbaum-Saunders Regression Family Function
The Birnbaum-Saunders Distribution
Bivariate Student-t Family Function
Bivariate Student-t Distribution Density Function
Body Mass Index of New Zealand Adults Data
Borel-Tanner Distribution Family Function
The Borel-Tanner Distribution
Bradley Terry Model
Bradley Terry Model With Ties
Inputting Data to fit a Bradley Terry Model
Calibration for Constrained Regression Models
Control Function for CQO/CAO Calibration
Calibration for CQO and CAO models
Model Calibrations
Control Function for CLO (RR-VGLM) Calibration
Calibration for CLO models (RR-VGLMs)
Control Function for RR-VGAMs (CAO)
Fitting Constrained Additive Ordination (CAO)
Cardioid Distribution Family Function
Cardioid Distribution
Cauchit Link Function
Cauchy Distribution Family Function
Cumulative Distribution Function for LMS Quantile Regression
Censored Gumbel Distribution
Censored Normal Distribution
Censored Poisson Family Function
Redirects the user to cqo
Chest Pain in NZ Adults Data
Chinese Population in New Zealand 1867--2001 Data
Chi-squared and Chi Distributions
Redirects the User to rrvglm()
Complementary Log-log Link Function
Constraint Matrices for Symmetry, Order, Parallelism, etc.
Breathlessness and Wheeze Amongst Coalminers Data
Class ``Coef.qrrvglm''
Returns Important Matrices etc. of a QO Object
Computes Model Coefficients and Quantities
Class ``Coef.rrvglm''
Returns Important Matrices etc. of a RR-VGLM Object
Extract Model Coefficients for VLM Objects
Extract Model Coefficients of a vgam() Object
Extract Model Coefficients
Common VGAM Family Function Arguments
Constrained (Canonical) Coefficients
Extract Model Constrained/Canonical Coefficients
Confidence Intervals for Parameters of VGLMs
Constraint Matrices
Centre of the Parameter Space
Fitting Constrained Quadratic Ordination (CQO)
Crashes on New Zealand Roads in 2009
Ordinal Regression with Continuation Ratios
Ordinal Regression with Cumulative Probabilities
Dagum Distribution Family Function
The Dagum Distribution
Density Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
Response Variable Extracted
Residual Degrees-of-Freedom
Plotting the GAITD Combo Density
Differenced Zeta Distribution Family Function
Differenced Zeta Distribution
Fitting a Dirichlet Distribution
Fitting a Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
Fitting a Dirichlet-Multinomial Distribution
Univariate Normal Distribution with Double Censoring
Double Exponential Binomial Distribution Family Function
Add or Drop All Possible Single Terms to/from a Model
Empirical Cumulative Distribution Function
Expectiles of the Exponential Distribution
Expectiles of the Normal Distribution
Enzyme Data
Error Function, and variants
Erlang Distribution
Expectiles of the Uniform Distribution
Exponentiated Exponential Distribution
Exponentiated Exponential Distribution
Exponential Geometric Distribution Family Function
The Exponential Geometric Distribution
The Exponential Integral and Variants
Exponential Link Function
Exponential Logarithmic Distribution Family Function
The Exponential Logarithmic Distribution
Exponential Distribution
Exponential Poisson Distribution Family Function
The Exponential Poisson Distribution
Extended Beta-binomial Distribution Family Function
The Beta-Binomial Distribution
Extended log-F Distribution
Extended log-F Distribution Family Function
Family Function Name
Felix Distribution Family Function
The Felix Distribution
F Distribution Family Function
Creates a Matrix of Appropriate Dimension
Fisher's Z Link Function
Fisk Distribution family function
The Fisk Distribution
Fitted Values of a VLM object
Fixing a Quantile Regression having Crossing
Folded Normal Distribution Family Function
The Folded-Normal Distribution
Square Root and Folded Square Root Link Functions
Model Formulae and Term Names for VGLMs
Frechet Distribution Family Function
The Frechet Distribution
Freund's (1961) Bivariate Extension of the Exponential Distribution
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Binomial Distribut...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Logarithmic Regres...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Logarithmic Distri...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Negative Binomial ...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Negative Binomial ...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Poisson Regression
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Poisson Distributi...
Generally Altered, Inflated, Truncated and Deflated Zeta Regression
Generally Altered, Inflated and Truncated and Deflated Zeta Distributi...
1-parameter Gamma Regression Family Function
2-parameter Gamma Regression Family Function
Multivariate Gamma Family Function: Mathai and Moschopoulos (1992)
Gamma Hyperbola Bivariate Distribution
2-parameter Gamma Regression Family Function
GARMA (Generalized Autoregressive Moving-Average) Models
Generalized Beta Distribution of the Second Kind
The Generalized Beta II Distribution
Generalized Gamma distribution family function
Generalized Gamma Distribution
Generalized Poisson Distribution (Original Parameterization)
Generalized Poisson Distribution (GP-1 and GP-2 Parameterizations of t...
Generalized Poisson Regression (Original Parameterization)
Generalized Poisson Regression (GP-1 Parameterization)
Generalized Poisson Regression (GP-2 Parameterization)
Generalized Rayleigh Distribution Family Function
The Generalized Rayleigh Distribution
Generalized Secant Hyperbolic Regression Family Function
Generalized Secant Hyperbolic Distribution
Geometric (Truncated and Untruncated) Distributions
Retrieves ``.smart.prediction''
Retrieve One Component of ``.smart.prediction''
Generalized Extreme Value Regression Family Function
The Generalized Extreme Value Distribution
General Electric and Westinghouse Data
GAITD Offset for the GTE Method
Gompertz Regression Family Function
Gompertz Distribution
Generalized Pareto Distribution Regression Family Function
The Generalized Pareto Distribution
Grain Prices Data in USA
Row-Column Interaction Models including Goodman's RC Association Model...
Gumbel Regression Family Function
Gumbel-II Regression Family Function
The Gumbel-II Distribution
The Gumbel Distribution
Gumbel Plot
Has a Fitted VGLM Got an Intercept Term?
Hat Values and Regression Deletion Diagnostics
Hauck-Donner Effects: A Detection Test for Wald Tests
Hauck-Donner Effect: Severity Measures
Hormone Assay Data
Huber's Least Favourable Distribution Family Function
Huber's Least Favourable Distribution
Hunua Ranges Data
Husler-Reiss Angular Surface Distribution Family Function
The Husler-Reiss Angular Surface Distribution
Hypergeometric Family Function
Hyperbolic Secant Regression Family Function
Haight's Zeta Family Function
Haight's Zeta Distribution
Index from Array to Matrix
Identity Link Function
Influence Function (S4 generic) of a Fitted Model
Inverse Binomial Distribution Family Function
The Inverse Gaussian Distribution
Inverse Gaussian Distribution Family Function
Inverse Lomax Distribution Family Function
The Inverse Lomax Distribution
Inverse Paralogistic Distribution Family Function
The Inverse Paralogistic Distribution
Does the Fitted Object Suffer from a Known Bug?
Quantile Crossing Detection
Parallelism Constraint Matrices
Test For a Smart Object
Zero Constraint Matrices
Kendall's Tau Statistic
Kullback-Leibler Divergence
Kumaraswamy Regression Family Function
The Kumaraswamy Distribution
The Lambert W Function
Laplace Regression Family Function
The Laplace Distribution
Latent Variables
Leipnik Regression Family Function
Lerch Phi Function
Levy Distribution Family Function
Log-gamma Distribution Family Function
The Log-Gamma Distribution
1-parameter Lindley Distribution
The Lindley Distribution
Link Functions for VGLMs
Link functions for VGLM/VGAM/etc. families
Generalized Beta Distribution Family Function
The Generalized Beta Distribution (Libby and Novick, 1982)
Low-iron Rat Teratology Data
LMS Quantile Regression with a Box-Cox transformation to a Gamma Distr...
LMS Quantile Regression with a Box-Cox Transformation to Normality
LMS Quantile Regression with a Yeo-Johnson Transformation to Normality
Logarithms with an Unit Offset and Exponential Term
Complementary-log Link Function
Natural Exponential Family Generalized Hyperbolic Secant Distribution ...
log F Distribution
Logarithmic Distribution
Logistic Distribution Family Function
Logit Link Function
Logit-with-an-Offset Link Function
Extract Log-likelihood for VGLMs/VGAMs/etc.
Loglinear Model for Two Binary Responses
Loglinear Model for Three Binary Responses
Log Link Function, and Variants
Log-log and Log-log-log Link Functions
Lognormal Distribution
Log Link Function with an Offset
Logarithmic Distribution
Lomax Distribution Family Function
The Lomax Distribution
Minimizing the L-q norm Family Function
Likelihood Ratio Test Statistics Evaluated at the Null Values
Likelihood Ratio Test of Nested Models
Latent Variable Plot for QO models
Latent Variable Plot
Latent Variable Plot for RR-VGLMs
Machinists Accidents
Makeham Regression Family Function
The Makeham Distribution
Marginal Effects for Several Categorical Response Models
Maxwell Regression Family Function
The Maxwell Distribution
McCullagh (1989) Distribution Family Function
Mean of the GAITD Combo Density
Mean Excess Plot
Michaelis-Menten Model
Mills Ratio
Mixture of Two Exponential Distributions
Mixture of Two Univariate Normal Distributions
Mixture of Two Poisson Distributions
The MNSs Blood Group System
Construct the Model Frame of a VLM Object
Construct the Model Matrix of a QRR-VGLM Object
Construct the Design Matrix of a VLM Object
Matrix Offset
Multi-logit Link Function
Multinomial Logit Model
Linear Model and Binomial Mixed Data Type Family Function
Linear Model and Binomial Mixed Data Type Distribution
Linear Model and Poisson Mixed Data Type Family Function
Linear Model and Poisson Mixed Data Type Distribution
Nakagami Regression Family Function
Nakagami Distribution
Negative Binomial Canonical Link Function
Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function With Known Size
Univariate Normal Distribution as a Varying-Coefficient Model
Undocumented and Internally Used Functions and Classes
Number of Parameters
2008 and 2012 Summer Olympic Final Medal Count Data
Ordinal Poisson Family Function
Ordinal Superiority Measures
Oxford Temperature Data
Paralogistic Distribution Family Function
The Paralogistic Distribution
Pareto and Truncated Pareto Distribution Family Functions
Pareto(IV/III/II) Distribution Family Functions
The Pareto(IV/III/II) Distributions
The Pareto Distribution
Perks Distribution Family Function
The Perks Distribution
Perspective plot for QRR-VGLMs
Derivatives of the Incomplete Gamma Integral
Derivatives of the Incomplete Gamma Integral (Unscaled Version)
Density Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
Plotting the GAITD Combo Density from a GAITD Regression Object
Model Diagnostic Plots for QRR-VGLMs
Quantile Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
Main Effects Plot for a Row-Column Interaction Model (RCIM)
Control Function for plotvgam()
Default VGAM Plotting
Plots for VGLMs
Poisson-points-on-a-plane/volume Distances Distribution
Poisson Points Distribution
Poisson Regression
The Poisson Lognormal Distribution
Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Behavioural Effects
Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Time Effects
Positive Bernoulli Family Function with Time and Behavioural Effects
Positive Bernoulli Sequence Model
Positive Binomial Distribution Family Function
Positive-Geometric Distribution
Positive Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
Positive Normal Distribution Family Function
The Positive-Normal Distribution
Positive Poisson Distribution Family Function
Power Link Function
Pregnant Rats Toxological Experiment Data
Predict Method for a CQO fit
Predict Method for a VGLM fit
Prentice (1974) Log-gamma Distribution
Probit Link Function
Method for Profiling vglm Objects
Proportional Odds Model for Ordinal Regression
Probability Plots for Categorical Data Analysis
Adds a List to the End of the List ``.smart.prediction''
Control Function for QRR-VGLMs (CQO)
Quantile Plot for Gumbel Regression
Quantile Plot for LMS Quantile Regression
Quasi-variances Extraction Function
Quasi-variances Preprocessing Function
R-squared for Latent Variable Models
Rayleigh Regression Family Function
Rayleigh Distribution
Mark the Baseline of Row and Column on a Matrix data
Constrained Quadratic Ordination
The Dirichlet distribution
Upper Record Values from a 1-parameter Exponential Distribution
Upper Record Values from a Univariate Normal Distribution
Reciprocal Link Function
Residuals for a VGLM fit
Rhobit Link Function
Rice Distribution Family Function
The Rice Distribution
Reciprocal Inverse Gaussian distribution
Return Level Plot for GEV Fits
Rootograms (S4 generic) for Assessing Goodness of Fit of Probability M...
Rounding of Numbers to Base 2
Nested Reduced-rank Autoregressive Models for Multiple Time Series
Class ``rrvglm''
Control Function for rrvglm()
Control Function for rrvglm() Calling optim()
Fitting Reduced-Rank Vector Generalized Linear Models (RR-VGLMs) and D...
Defining Smooths in VGAM Formulas
Scaled Student t Distribution with 2 df Family Function
Expectiles/Quantiles of the Scaled Student t Distribution with 2 Df
Rao's Score Test Statistics Evaluated at the Null Values
Hauck-Donner Effects: Segmented Lines Plot
Select Variables for a Formula Response or the RHS of a Formula
The Two-stage Sequential Binomial Distribution Family Function
Smart Prediction Setup
Simplex Distribution Family Function
Simplex Distribution
Simulate Responses for VGLMs and VGAMs
Singh-Maddala Distribution Family Function
The Singh-Maddala Distribution
Skellam Distribution Family Function
The Skellam Distribution
Univariate Skew-Normal Distribution Family Function
Skew-Normal Distribution
Slash Distribution Family Function
Slash Distribution
Square root--Log Link Mixtures
Defining O'Sullivan Spline Smooths in VGAM Formulas
Defining Penalized Spline Smooths in VGAM Formulas
S Expression for Smart Functions
Determine What Mode the Smart Prediction is In
Smart Prediction
Special Values or Quantities in a Fitted Object
Spike Plot
Ordinal Regression with Stopping Ratios
Choose a model by AIC in a Stepwise Algorithm
Student t Distribution
Summarizing Reduced Rank Vector Generalized Linear Model (RR-VGLM) and...
Summarizing Penalized Vector Generalized Additive Model Fits
Summarizing Vector Generalized Additive Model Fits
Summarizing Vector Generalized Linear Model Fits
Seemingly Unrelated Regressions Family Function
Class "SurvS4"
Create a Survival Object
Takeuchi's Information Criterion
Tobit Regression
The Tobit Distribution
Topp-Leone Distribution Family Function
The Topp-Leone Distribution
The Triangle Distribution
Trimmed Constraint Matrices
Trivariate Normal Distribution Family Function
Trivariate Normal Distribution Density and Random Variates
Trajectory plot for QRR-VGLMs
Trajectory Plot
Truncated Values for the GT-Expansion Method
The Truncated Pareto Distribution
Truncated Weibull Distribution Family Function
University California Berkeley Graduate Admissions
Undocumented Methods Functions
Univariate Normal Distribution
Utility Functions for the VGAM Package
V1 Flying-Bombs Hits in London
V2 Missile Hits in London
Calculate Variance-Covariance Matrix for a Fitted VLM or RR-VGLM or DR...
Class ``vgam''
Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models and Other Associated Mod...
Control Function for vgam()
Fitting Vector Generalized Additive Models
Class ``vglm''
Control Function for vglm()
Fitting Vector Generalized Linear Models
Class ``vglmff''
von Mises Distribution Family Function
Plotting Functions for 'profile' Objects
Vector Cubic Smoothing Spline
Waitakere Ranges Data
Wald Test Statistics Evaluated at the Null Values
Wald Distribution Family Function
Weibull Distribution Family Function, Parameterized by the Mean
Weibull Distribution Family Function
Prior and Working Weights of a VGLM fit
Cleans Up After Smart Prediction
Yeo-Johnson Transformation
Yule-Simon Family Function
Yule-Simon Distribution
Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
Zero-Altered Binomial Distribution
Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
Zero-Altered Geometric Distribution
Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
Zero-Altered Negative Binomial Distribution
Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
Zero-Altered Poisson Distribution
The zero Argument in VGAM Family Functions
Riemann's (and the Hurwitz) Zeta Function, With Derivatives
Zeta Distribution Family Function
The Zeta Distribution
Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution Family Function
Zero-Inflated Binomial Distribution
Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution Family Function
Zero-Inflated Geometric Distribution
Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution Family Function
Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Distribution
Exchangeable Bivariate cloglog Odds-ratio Model From a Zero-inflated P...
Zipf Distribution Family Function
The Zipf-Mandelbrot Distribution
The Zipf Distribution
Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution Family Function
Zero-Inflated Poisson Distribution
Zero- and One-Inflated Beta Distribution Family Function
The Zero/One-Inflated Beta Distribution
An implementation of about 6 major classes of statistical regression models. The central algorithm is Fisher scoring and iterative reweighted least squares. At the heart of this package are the vector generalized linear and additive model (VGLM/VGAM) classes. VGLMs can be loosely thought of as multivariate GLMs. VGAMs are data-driven VGLMs that use smoothing. The book "Vector Generalized Linear and Additive Models: With an Implementation in R" (Yee, 2015) <DOI:10.1007/978-1-4939-2818-7> gives details of the statistical framework and the package. Currently only fixed-effects models are implemented. Many (100+) models and distributions are estimated by maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) or penalized MLE. The other classes are RR-VGLMs (reduced-rank VGLMs), quadratic RR-VGLMs, doubly constrained RR-VGLMs, quadratic RR-VGLMs, reduced-rank VGAMs, RCIMs (row-column interaction models)---these classes perform constrained and unconstrained quadratic ordination (CQO/UQO) models in ecology, as well as constrained additive ordination (CAO). Hauck-Donner effect detection is implemented. Note that these functions are subject to change; see the NEWS and ChangeLog files for latest changes.