plotFrequencyHistogramOutlierCutoff function

Plot frequencies of elapsed times up to a percentile cutoff

Plot frequencies of elapsed times up to a percentile cutoff

Given a column of values or a data frame created by readFileList or readFile, generate a ggplot of a frequency histogram excluding values above a specified percentile

plotFrequencyHistogramOutlierCutoff(theDf, outlierCutoff)


  • theDf: Either a data frame created by readFile or readFileList or a vector of numeric values (assumed to be elapsed times).
  • outlierCutoff: A value between 0 and 1 which specifies the percentile above which values are excluded.


The function is used to produce histogram plots of elapsed times with outliers excluded. It can accept either a list (which is converted to a data frame with the column named 'elapsed' or a data frame from a log file.


Returns a ggplot2 plot. This function is intended to be wrapped in a call to plotSaveGG


Greg Hunt


logFileName = logFileNamesGetLast(dataDirectory=datd, directoryNames=c(".", "."), fileNamePattern="*[.]log")[[1]] cols = logFileFieldsGetIIS(logFileName) logdf = logFileRead(logFileName, columnList=cols, logTimeZone = "", timeFormat = "") plotFrequencyHistogramOutlierCutoff(logdf, 0.95)

See Also

