Generates a plot of the effect of overall parallelism on response time possibly limited to a single URL in the overall background, the URL whose time is calculated, and by http response type and status.
plotParallelismRateImpactOnResponse(b, intervalLength =600, excludeURLOverall="", includeURLOverall="", excludeResponse="", includeResponse="", excludeStatus="", includeStatus="", percentileCutoff =1, title="Degree of Parallelism and Response Time", subtitle="")
b: a transaction data frame
intervalLength: length of the intervals (in seconds) that parallelism is calculated over
excludeURLOverall: a URL to be deleted from the dataset
includeURLOverall: the URL to be included from the dataset
excludeResponse: a URL to be excluded from the response time calculation
includeResponse: the URL to be used for the response time calculation
excludeStatus: a status to be excluded from the response time calculation, for example success statuses could be excluded. Possible status values are: 'Success', 'Redirect', 'Client Error' or 'Server Error'
includeStatus: a status to filter URLs by, for example, only include success responses in the response time calculation
percentileCutoff: exclude values above the specified quantile, intended for use in excluding outlier events that would distort the elapsed time calculation
title: the plot title
subtitle: the plot subtitle
Returns an R base graphics plot. This function is intended to be wrapped in a call to plotSave