Adaptive Two-Stage Tests
Function to produce tables of alpha1
Adaptive two-stage tests
Function to specify a conditional error function
Function to calculate the parameter that specifies the conditional err...
Functions to perform simple order comparisons
Function to compute and visualize overall p-values
Function to convert between two different parameterizations of a famil...
Function to plot several conditional error functions running through a...
Function to plot the stopping bounds of an adaptive two-stage test
Function to plot a conditional error function
Function to implement an adaptive two-stage test
The functions defined in this program serve for implementing adaptive two-stage tests. Currently, four tests are included: Bauer and Koehne (1994), Lehmacher and Wassmer (1999), Vandemeulebroecke (2006), and the horizontal conditional error function. User-defined tests can also be implemented. Reference: Vandemeulebroecke, An investigation of two-stage tests, Statistica Sinica 2006.