dsid: character. (Optional) id's of datasources matching the 'DSID' column of the data sources table (retrieved using am_sources()) for which series information is to be returned.
source.info: logical. TRUE returns additional information from the data sources table (the source, the frequency of the data and when it was last updated).
ordered: logical. TRUE returns the series in a fixed order, while FALSE returns the result in a random order, to the benefit of faster query execution.
return.query: logical. TRUE will not query the database but instead return the constructed SQL query as a character string (for debugging purposes).
A data.table with information about the available series in the database.
The series table gives information about all of the time series in the database. Each series is given a unique code, and has a label describing the series. Further information recorded are the minimum and maximum time coverage, and (optionally) a separate series source and url. The default source.info = TRUE adds the source, the frequency of the data (homogeneous within source), and the date when the source was last updated.
# By default returns all series with additional informationam_series()# Raw series tableam_series(source.info =FALSE)# Only series in the WEOam_series("IMF_WEO")