Interpolation of Irregularly and Regularly Spaced Data
Univariate Akima interpolation
Bicubic Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular grid
Bivariate Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular grid
Bilinear Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular grid
Bilinear Interpolation for Data on a Rectangular grid
Test datasets from Franke for interpolation of scattered data
Gridded Bivariate Interpolation for Irregular Data
Gridded Bivariate Interpolation for Irregular Data
From interp() Result, Produce 3-column Matrix
Pointwise Bivariate Interpolation for Irregular Data
Pointwise Bivariate Interpolation for Irregular Data
Several cubic spline interpolation methods of H. Akima for irregular and regular gridded data are available through this package, both for the bivariate case (irregular data: ACM 761, regular data: ACM 760) and univariate case (ACM 433 and ACM 697). Linear interpolation of irregular gridded data is also covered by reusing D. J. Renkas triangulation code which is part of Akimas Fortran code. A bilinear interpolator for regular grids was also added for comparison with the bicubic interpolator on regular grids.