recur_on_month_of_year function

Recur on a month of the year

Recur on a month of the year

recur_on_month_of_year() recurs on a specific month of the year.

recur_on_month_of_year(x, month)


  • x: [rrule]

    A recurrence rule.

  • month: [integer / character]

    Months of the year to mark as events. Integer values must be between [1, 12]. This can also be a full month string like "November", or an abbreviation like "Nov".


An updated rrule.


# There is a big difference between adding this rule to a `yearly()` # or `monthly()` frequency, and a `daily()` frequency. # Limit from every day to every day in February on_feb_daily <- daily() %>% recur_on_month_of_year("Feb") # Limit from 1 day per month to 1 day in February on_feb_monthly <- monthly() %>% recur_on_month_of_year("Feb") start <- "1999-01-01" end <- "2001-01-01" alma_search(start, end, on_feb_daily) alma_search(start, end, on_feb_monthly)
  • Maintainer: Davis Vaughan
  • License: MIT + file LICENSE
  • Last published: 2023-04-13