R Interface for Apache Sedona
apache.sedona: R Interface for Apache Sedona
Find the approximate total number of records within a Spatial RDD.
Perform a CRS transformation.
Find the minimal bounding box of a geometry.
Construct a bounding box object.
Import data from a spatial RDD into a Spark Dataframe.
Apply a spatial partitioner to a Sedona spatial RDD.
Build an index on a Sedona spatial RDD.
Query the k nearest spatial objects.
Execute a range query.
Create a typed SpatialRDD from a delimiter-separated values data sourc...
Read geospatial data into a Spatial RDD
(Deprecated) Create a typed SpatialRDD from a shapefile or geojson dat...
Visualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a choropleth map.
Visualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a heatmap.
Visualize a Sedona spatial RDD using a scatter plot.
Save a Spark dataframe containing exactly 1 spatial column into a file...
Perform a spatial count-by-key operation based on two Sedona spatial R...
Perform a spatial join operation on two Sedona spatial RDDs.
Spatial RDD aggregation routine
Create a SpatialRDD from an external data source.
Visualization routine for Sedona spatial RDD.
Write SpatialRDD into a file.
Read geospatial data into a Spark DataFrame.
Write geospatial data from a Spark DataFrame.
Spatial join operator
Execute a spatial query
Export a Spark SQL query with a spatial column into a Sedona spatial R...
R interface for 'Apache Sedona' based on 'sparklyr' (<https://sedona.apache.org>).
Useful links