parse_beast2_output function

Process the 'BEAST2' output dependent on 'BEAST2' package specifics

Process the 'BEAST2' output dependent on 'BEAST2' package specifics

parse_beast2_output(out, inference_model)


  • out: a list with the complete babette output, with elements:

    • output textual output of a 'BEAST2' run
  • inference_model: a Bayesian phylogenetic inference model, as returned by create_inference_model


complete babette output with added attributes, which depends on the 'BEAST2' package.

  • marg_log_lik the marginal log likelihood estimate
  • marg_log_lik_sd the standard deviation around the estimate
  • estimates the parameter estimates created during the marginal likelihood estimation
  • trees the trees created during the marginal likelihood estimation


Richèl J.C. Bilderbeek