Extracts the Backbone from Graphs
Randomize a binary matrix using the fastball algorithm
Extract backbone using the Fixed Degree Sequence Model
Extract backbone using the Fixed Column Model
Extract backbone using the Fixed Fill Model
Extract backbone using the Fixed Row Model
Converts a backbone adjacency matrix to a graph object of specified cl...
Extracts a backbone network from a backbone object
backbone: Extracts the Backbone from Graphs
Suggest a backbone model
Bipartite Configuration Model
Extract backbone using the Disparity Filter
Compute global threshold backbone
Extract backbone using Locally Adaptive Network Sparsification
Logit-based probabilities for SDSM
Computes the loglikelihood for the bicm function
Computes the loglikelihood hessian for the bicm function
Computes the loglikelihood gradient for the bicm function
Extract backbone using the Marginal Likelihood Filter
Extract backbone using the Ordinal Stochastic Degree Sequence Model
Poisson binomial distribution function
Extract backbone using the Stochastic Degree Sequence Model
Extract the backbone from a network using a sparsification model
Extract Goldberg and Roth's (2003) Geometric backbone
Extract Satuluri et al's (2011) G-spar backbone
Extract Goldberg and Roth's (2003) Hypergeometric backbone
Extract Goldberg and Roth's (2003) Jaccard backbone
Converts an input graph object to an adjacency/incidence matrix and id...
Extract Hamann et al.'s (2016) Local Degree backbone
Extract Satuluri et al's (2011) L-spar backbone
Extract Goldberg and Roth's (2003) MeetMin backbone
Extract Nocaj et al.'s (2015) Quadrilateral Simmelian backbone
Extract Nick et al's (2013) Simmelian backbone
Extract Karger's (1999) skeleton backbone
Estimate number of monte carlo trials needed to estimate p-value
Generates suggested manuscript text
An implementation of methods for extracting an unweighted unipartite graph (i.e. a backbone) from an unweighted unipartite graph, a weighted unipartite graph, the projection of an unweighted bipartite graph, or the projection of a weighted bipartite graph (Neal, 2022 <doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0269137>).
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