Bayesian Projection of Life Expectancy
Internal Functions and datasets of bayesLife
Bayesian Projection of the Life Expectancy
MCMC Simulation Meta Object
MCMC Simulation Object
Computing Residuals and Fitting Local Polynomial Regression
Converting Trajectories of Life Expectancy into ACSII Files
Convertion to coda's Objects
Convergence Diagnostics for Markov Chain Monte Carlo of Life Expectanc...
Plotting Posterior Distribution of the Double Logistic Function of Lif...
Posterior Distribution of Gaps in Female and Male Life Expectancy
Joint Posterior Distribution of Female and Male Life Expectancy
World Map of the Life Expectancy
Editing the Projection Medians
Accessing Parameter Names
Plotting MCMC Parameter Density
Plotting MCMC Parameter Traces
Generating Posterior Trajectories of the Life Expectancy for Specific ...
Generating Posterior Trajectories of the Life Expectancy
Generating Posterior Trajectories of Subnational Life Expectancy at Bi...
Raftery Diagnostics for Parameters of the Life Expectancy
Posterior Distribution of Trajectories of Life Expectancy
Global options
Accessing a Convergence Object
Accessing MCMC Results
Accessing MCMC Parameter Traces
Accessing a Prediction Object
Accessing Trajectories of Life Expectancy
Accessing Subnational Prediction Objects
Creating and Accessing Thinned MCMCs
Goodness of Fit of the Double Logistic Function
Inclusion Codes
Estimation of the Joint Female-Male Model
Prediction of the Joint Female-Male Model
Run MCMC for Extra Countries, Areas or Regions
Running Bayesian Hierarchical Model for Life Expectancy via Markov Cha...
Summary of a Life Expectancy Convergence Object
Summary Statistics for Life Expectancy MCMCs
Summary of a Prediction of the Life Expectancy
Writing Projection Summary Files
Making probabilistic projections of life expectancy for all countries of the world, using a Bayesian hierarchical model <doi:10.1007/s13524-012-0193-x>. Subnational projections are also supported.