rordprobitGibbs function

Gibbs Sampler for Ordered Probit

Gibbs Sampler for Ordered Probit

rordprobitGibbs implements a Gibbs Sampler for the ordered probit model with a RW Metropolis step for the cut-offs.

rordprobitGibbs(Data, Prior, Mcmc)


  • Data: list(y, X, k)
  • Prior: list(betabar, A, dstarbar, Ad)
  • Mcmc: list(R, keep, nprint, s)


Model and Priors

z=Xβ+ez = X\beta + e with ee  ~ N(0,I)N(0, I)

y=ky = k if c[k] z<\le z < c[k+1] with k=1,,Kk = 1,\ldots,K

cutoffs = {c[1], \ldots, c[k+1]}

β\beta  ~ N(betabar,A1)N(betabar, A^{-1})

dstardstar  ~ N(dstarbar,Ad1)N(dstarbar, Ad^{-1})

Be careful in assessing prior parameter Ad: 0.1 is too small for many applications.

Argument Details

Data = list(y, X, k)

y:nx1n x 1 vector of observations, ( 1,,k1, \ldots, k )
X:nxpn x p Design Matrix
k:the largest possible value of y

Prior = list(betabar, A, dstarbar, Ad) [optional]

betabar:px1p x 1 prior mean (def: 0)
A:pxpp x p prior precision matrix (def: 0.01*I)
dstarbar:ndstarx1ndstar x 1 prior mean, where ndstar=k2ndstar=k-2 (def: 0)
Ad:ndstarxndstarndstar x ndstar prior precision matrix (def: I)

Mcmc = list(R, keep, nprint, s) [only R required]

R:number of MCMC draws
keep:MCMC thinning parameter -- keep every keep th draw (def: 1)
nprint:print the estimated time remaining for every nprint 'th draw (def: 100, set to 0 for no print)
s:scaling parameter for RW Metropolis (def: 2.93/ sqrt(p) )


A list containing: - betadraw: R/keepxpR/keep x p matrix of betadraws

  • cutdraw: R/keepx(k1)R/keep x (k-1) matrix of cutdraws

  • dstardraw: R/keepx(k2)R/keep x (k-2) matrix of dstardraws

  • accept: acceptance rate of Metropolis draws for cut-offs


set c[1] = -100 and c[k+1] = 100. c[2] is set to 0 for identification.

The relationship between cut-offs and dstar is:

c[3] = exp(dstar[1]),

c[4] = c[3] + exp(dstar[2]), ...,

c[k] = c[k-1] + exp(dstar[k-2])


Bayesian Statistics and Marketing by Rossi, Allenby, and McCulloch.


Peter Rossi, Anderson School, UCLA, .

See Also



if(nchar(Sys.getenv("LONG_TEST")) != 0) {R=2000} else {R=10} set.seed(66) ## simulate data for ordered probit model simordprobit=function(X, betas, cutoff){ z = X%*%betas + rnorm(nobs) y = cut(z, br = cutoff, right=TRUE, include.lowest = TRUE, labels = FALSE) return(list(y = y, X = X, k=(length(cutoff)-1), betas= betas, cutoff=cutoff )) } nobs = 300 X = cbind(rep(1,nobs),runif(nobs, min=0, max=5),runif(nobs,min=0, max=5)) k = 5 betas = c(0.5, 1, -0.5) cutoff = c(-100, 0, 1.0, 1.8, 3.2, 100) simout = simordprobit(X, betas, cutoff) Data=list(X=simout$X, y=simout$y, k=k) ## set Mcmc for ordered probit model Mcmc = list(R=R) out = rordprobitGibbs(Data=Data, Mcmc=Mcmc) cat(" ", fill=TRUE) cat("acceptance rate= ", accept=out$accept, fill=TRUE) ## outputs of betadraw and cut-off draws cat(" Summary of betadraws", fill=TRUE) summary(out$betadraw, tvalues=betas) cat(" Summary of cut-off draws", fill=TRUE) summary(out$cutdraw, tvalues=cutoff[2:k]) ## plotting examples if(0){plot(out$cutdraw)}
  • Maintainer: Peter Rossi
  • License: GPL (>= 2)
  • Last published: 2023-09-23

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