Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
Bayesian Random-Effects Meta-Analysis and Meta-Regression
Bayesian random-effects meta-analysis
Bayesian random-effects meta-regression
Convolution of two probability distributions
Half-logistic distribution.
Half-normal, half-Student-t and half-Cauchy distributions.
Inverse-Chi distribution.
The Lomax distribution.
The Rayleigh distribution.
Effective sample size (ESS)
Generate a forest plot for a bayesmeta
object (based on the `metafor...
Generate a forest plot for a bayesmeta
object (based on the `forestp...
Generate a forest plot for a bmr
object (based on the forestplot
Generate a forest plot for an escalc
object (based on the `forestplo...
Generate a funnel plot for a bayesmeta
Kullback-Leibler divergence of two multivariate normal distributions.
Compute normal mixtures
Generate summary plots for a bayesmeta
Posterior predictive -values
Heterogeneity priors for continuous outcomes (standardized mean differ...
Summarizing a bmr
Illustrate conditional means of study-specific estimates as well as ov...
(Log-Normal) heterogeneity priors for binary outcomes as proposed by T...
Unit information standard deviation
Illustrate the posterior mean weights for a bayesmeta
A collection of functions allowing to derive the posterior distribution of the model parameters in random-effects meta-analysis or meta-regression, and providing functionality to evaluate joint and marginal posterior probability distributions, predictive distributions, shrinkage effects, posterior predictive p-values, etc.; For more details, see also Roever C (2020) <doi:10.18637/jss.v093.i06>, or Roever C and Friede T (2022) <doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2022.107303>.