Mixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox Transformation
Fitted bcmmrm Object
Marginal Model of the Mixed Effect Model with the Box-Cox Transformati...
bcmixed: A package for mixed effect models with the Box-Cox transforma...
Model Median Inference for Longitudinal Data in Randomized Clinical Tr...
Linear regression model with the Box-Cox Transformation.
Applying the Box-Cox Transformation.
Applying the Box-Cox Transformation to a numeric vector.
Box-whisker plot for a bcmmrm Object.
Plot a bcmmrm Object.
Summarize a bcmmrm Object.
Inference on the marginal model of the mixed effect model with the Box-Cox transformation and on the model median differences between treatment groups for longitudinal randomized clinical trials. These statistical methods are proposed by Maruo et al. (2017) <doi:10.1002/sim.7279>.